Saturday, January 29, 2011

Training - End of Week 1

I survived the first week!!!!

The past five days have been really busy, though...  Getting up at 5 am every morning is a big change for someone who has always been a night person!  But, I am doing it, because that's what it takes to follow my dream!

This week we learned Basic Indoctrination, which is the phases of flight, and many other things that a Flight Attendant needs to know in order to perform the duties required.  We also got fitted for our uniforms and learned our initial base assignments...  I am going to ORD...that's Chicago O'Hare for those of you who are not familiar with airport codes.  I love Chicago, but for right now, I really want to be based at DFW, so I am putting in a transfer request.  Please keep your fingers crossed that it will go through quickly, so I can get back to Fort Worth!

Today, we had our first test and I suffered a severe case of Test Anxiety this morning before we took our exams.  I made a 96 (you are required to make 90% to pass).  I am glad that I passed the test, but the two questions that I missed were stupid mistakes, especially since I KNEW the answers.  I decided that I need to slow down, and take my time and think before answering...also, I need to go with the first answer that pops in my head when I read the question.  (If I had done that this morning, then I would have made a 100.)

After the test, we had a computer class to learn some of the basic things we will need to know, such as signing in for trips and finding out flight information.  We also started learning the emergency equipment on the aircraft, and did our fire fighting training before we finished for the day.

Graduation is February 16...and it will be here before I know it!  It seems like it is so far away, but with all we have to learn and study, it will be hee before I know it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Training - Day 1

Up at 5:00 am this morning.  Breakfast in the restaurant and then we got on the shuttle to take us to the Flight Academy.

We had orientation, then filled out LOTS of paperwork, and learned about benefits, grooming standards, and lots of other important information.  We also got our schedules for the first week.

Tomorrow, we receive our manuals and begin learning what we need to know to be a successful and effective flight attendant.

After training I made a WalMart run and worked out in the fitness center.  It sounds a little boring, but it was really a pretty full day...we really had to get all of that admin stuff out of the way...

I am not used to getting up this early, so I shouldn't have any trouble falling asleep tonight...getting up at 5:00 am again tomorrow and the fun begins!

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Night

Checked in to the hotel this afternoon and met my roomie.  Helen is from the Chicago area, and we have discovered that we have lots in common...including the fact that we were born in the same month and year...except she is 10 days older that me!  Guess I'm not gonna be at the top of the seniority list...  LOL

We have a study room with a TV, refridgerators and microwaves on another floor.  Several of us met there and then went to dinner at the restaurant in the hotel.  We had a really good time and I think I will enjoy my training experience.  I have a feeling that I am in the early stages of making some new friends that I will have for a very long time!

I'm going to make this post short and sweet as it is a little after 10 and we are getting up at 5 am so we will have time to eat breakfast before boarding the shuttle to the Flight Academy.  Tomorrow is the first day of the new adventure that will be my life as a Flight Attendant!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The first step....

Well, I did it! I am now counting down the days until I begin the next chapter in my life...becoming a flight attendant (FA) for a major airline. 

On Monday, I turned in my notice at Sam's. It was harder than I expected, but I managed to get through it without totally breaking down. I did shed a few tears, though, and David was really great! Deciding to leave Sam's was a hard decision, but I feel like it is the right thing for me at this point in my life. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time there and will miss my friends and co-workers.

Training is scheduled to start on January 25th, so I am in the process of "early packing." For me, that means getting whatever shopping I need to do out of the way and making preparations to be away from home during my three weeks of training. If I understood correctly, we will be off on Sundays, so maybe I can come home and sleep in my own bed on Saturday nights...and maybe spend some time with my cat, Max, who will miss me.

We should find out our base assignments the first week of training, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will get DFW.  This is one time where being old is a good thing because seniority is everything in the airline industry.  There is an excellent chance that I will be one of, if not THE oldest person in my class, so if there are any spots available at DFW, then I may be able to get one.  For those of you who are kind enough to read and/or subscribe to my blog....please keep your fingers crossed and remember me in your prayers!!

I will try and update this as much as possible as I go through training.  There are one or two of you who want to know "all of the details," so I will do my best to accommodate you.  There is lots to learn, and I will have to spend a great deal of my "spare time" outside of class studying, and making sure that I get as much rest as possible.  Many people are under the misconception that a FA's main function is to serve drinks and snacks in-flight.  Actually, the primary function of a FA is the "safety and security of the passengers (PAX) aboard the aircraft."  For this reason, we have to learn things like the use of all emergency equipment aboard the airplane, evacuation commands, and first aid.  So...during training, there will be no partying for this girl...I'll save that for after graduation!

That's all for now.  It seems like two weeks is a long time, but I know that the time will pass quickly. Making a major life change is always a bit scary, but it is also exciting. There is no doubt in my mind that I am on the right path, and I am looking forward to embarking on this "Airline Adventure!"